Friday, 4 March 2016

My latest thoughts on BAPP and using new technologies!

So after the recent Module 1 catch up with my fellow peers and Module tutor over Skype we were asked to share one thought about our BAPP journey so far.
So here goes.....

A lot of people have expressed that using all this new technologie is daunting and a bit scary. I agree with this but I'm really excited to embrace the challenge and pushing myself and my limits.

I am also enjoying the freedom of my own study, knowing there is no right or wrong.
I'm enjoying writing my ideas down and sharing them with other people.

I am also amazed and excited at how just by writing this blog is opening up a dialogue with other professionals all over the world. Opening me up to their ideas and experiences to enhance my own thought process about my own professional practice!

How has Communication technologie and social media helped you in your continuing professional development? Dancer or no dancer has it played a part in your success?


  1. Thanks Charlie - putting this on my blog? Yes I think it is right that we question what is working for us in this new communication landscape and what is not! I thin it changes as well!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Paula,

      Yes I'm happy for you to share this on your blog x

  2. Hi Charlie,
    I have been fascinated in the change. When I was auditioning for a job to leave college, I, and all my peers and colleagues, found most of our auditions through buying the stage newspaper. All of us had a subscription! I haven't seen the stage as a newspaper for year now. So much of what I used to find through newspapers or looking on company websites or asking friends is done through social media now. I'm curious to know if social media gets auditions out to a wider range of people than buying the stage newspaper did?
