Wednesday 16 March 2016

My first you tube clip!

Hey everyone,

So I decided to brave it and set up my very own you tube channel.
Check out my very first video an introduction to BAPP and myself!
Please like and share! I'll be uploading more clips in the weeks to come!

Friday 4 March 2016

New technologie!

Following my last blog post and discussion with my tutor i had a go at looking for myself on google and it turned up a few things but nothing that exciting or informative about myself or my skills. 
So I decided to sign up to a few more applications that would help promote myself and my skills as a dancer and dance teacher.

So just recently I've signed up to tumbler and I have created a you tube channel.
Now the you tube channel I'm not too worried about I just need to upload some videos the first being my introduction to BAPP video which I intend to do this weekend ( a little scary I don't want to look like a total dork! But I'm going to give it a go!) so keep your eyes open for that and let me know what you think?
If anyone out there is a regular you tuber and tips or hints would be great fully received!

However the whole tumbler thing is a little daunting I'm not quite sure how this works. I know I can create another blog on there which is where I may start but again if any one is a regular user on this site I'd be really great full of some helpful hints and pointers, do's and don't ! 

At least I've attempted to sign up though that's a big step for me!

I am also thinking of sorting out a proper website for my dance school but this may take some time but I think it's high time I sorted that too!

Isn't it amazing how something like doing a top up degree can push you to do things you never thought you would!

My latest thoughts on BAPP and using new technologies!

So after the recent Module 1 catch up with my fellow peers and Module tutor over Skype we were asked to share one thought about our BAPP journey so far.
So here goes.....

A lot of people have expressed that using all this new technologie is daunting and a bit scary. I agree with this but I'm really excited to embrace the challenge and pushing myself and my limits.

I am also enjoying the freedom of my own study, knowing there is no right or wrong.
I'm enjoying writing my ideas down and sharing them with other people.

I am also amazed and excited at how just by writing this blog is opening up a dialogue with other professionals all over the world. Opening me up to their ideas and experiences to enhance my own thought process about my own professional practice!

How has Communication technologie and social media helped you in your continuing professional development? Dancer or no dancer has it played a part in your success?